About Lenny, who recently retired.
Leonard "Lenny" Rosen
Retired Insurance Agent
Focusing on Medicare
Lic# W283590.
Dear Visitor,
Since 2008, Lenny had been an Insurance Agent, starting with Sterling Health Plans providing Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage, and Life Insurance. After two years, Lenny left Sterling to join his son David's insurance agency, Central Ohio Insurance Services, and open a branch office in Atlanta Georgia under the name of Greater Georgia Insurance Services. Lenny and his wife, Marianna moved to Boynton Beach, Florida in 2015. He is still associated with his son's agency. Here Lenny is providing Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage to customers in the states of Florida and Georgia.
Lenny Rosen, a Licensed Insurance Agent, is also an experienced educator and trainer in many aspects. Lenny has a degree from Capital University Conservatory of Music in Music Education with a minor in Fine Art. Lenny started his career with The Columbus Ohio School system as a Junior High School Band Director. Since then he has found his niche in sales and sales training. He has worked as a sales trainer and manager for major companies such as Encyclopaedia Britannica, The Mennen Company, Century Marketing, and Springs Window Fashions.
Due to his expertise in Medicare along with his expertise in Educating & Training, Lenny leads Medicare Seminars for seniors. His seminars help attendees understand Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements, and more. Call us at 561-740-8055 to schedule and make arrangements if you want one of his free seminars for your community or organization.
Please look around this website. It is designed to be an educational website focusing on Medicare and you. This website has videos, charts, and reading materials. You are welcome to print the charts and reading material for your personal use. Take your time while you are here and learn about Medicare. Please tell your friends about this website and come back as often as you like.
Contact my son David, who is a licensed insurance agent, for questions or help. 614-861-3100
Best Regards,
Lenny Rosen, Retired Insurance Agent
Contact Us
David Rosen, Licensed Agent
Office: 614-861-3100
Email: David@coiservices.com
Annual Election Period
The Annual Election Period starts October 15th. Each year, the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) runs from October 15th through December 7th. This is a special time frame when Medicare beneficiaries have the option to make changes to certain types of Medicare health insurance plans. Any changes made during AEP will take effect January 1st of the upcoming year. Insurance carriers are required to provide a detailed update each year by September 30th regarding your existing Medicare Advantage Plan or Part D Prescription Drug Plan. This notice is called the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC). Since these Medicare insurance plans run on a calendar year basis, there are usually some sort of changes in plan benefits and features from year-to-year. This is exactly why the Medicare AEP exists. It provides you with the “option” to change your plan, if it’s beneficial. Please call me: 614-861-3100 if you want to discuss changes in your existing plan. I am a Licensed Insurance Agent representing United HealthCare here in Palm Beach County. Call me if you are unhappy with your current plan and want to move to a United HealthCare plan for 2025.